Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm alive.

In case you actually check this blog (Mom...), just know that I'm alive.  Lazy, tired, recovering from a cold, but alive.  I promise I'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know about my trip to Spain soon!



  1. Good. I was starting to wonder where you were.

    Yes, I do check this blog almost daily.

    And, yes, I would like you to come home now (and by home, I mean plimps 2C)

  2. Rachel, dear........
    I am so enjoying reading about your wonderful experiences and seeing the exciting photos of your adventures. I am happy, beyond words, for this opportunity you are having at this great time in your life. And it means even more that you are sharing these joys with such good friends and with your beloved Ben.
    Stay well and just know how proud I am of you and how much I love you.
    Nana Stephanie
